Chapter 12

“Davis!” Ashanti nudged Adam with his shoulder.

Adam realized he was standing, staring at a smiling Brendan, who winked at him as he brought himself back to reality. “Uh…heads,” Adam almost yelled.

“You need to wait ‘till I toss the coin,” the referee said, patronizingly.

Brendan and the other Cyclones laughed.

Adam cursed himself silently for his stupidity. He hadn’t heard from or seen Brendan since they’d spent the night together. Seeing him now, only a few feet away, had momentarily stunned Adam. His paranoid self had been glad there had been no contact. That part of him that lusted for and loved the man, felt definite Brendan deprivation. It was that portion of Adam’s consciousness that had taken him away from the reality of where he was and what was going on.

Adam heard a muffled voice beside him say, “We’re gonna get a delay of game call here,” followed by a snicker from the Cyclones.

“I’m ready,” Adam said not looking across at the linebacker.