WebNovelROTC Ron76.92%

Chapter 10

Joe was won over completely when Ron pulled out a bottle of bug repellant and spent a few minutes rubbing the lotion everywhere on Joe’s body. Then it was Joe’s turn to apply the stuff to Ron, and Joe took full advantage of his opportunity to touch his ROTC God.

Walking behind Ron—Ron was the guide after all—Joe admired the view. Ron sure had a delicious set of buns. Joe hoped he’d get to munch on them before the weekend was over.

At one point during their walk Ron held up his hand for Joe to stop and signaled for him to stay quiet. Soon a small group of deer walked directly across their path.

The largest of the three deer stood about three feet tall at the shoulder, and just over five feet from nose to tail. He had a reddish grey coat with white markings around his eyes, in a band behind his nose and in his ears. There were also white stripes behind the upper parts of each leg.

Unfortunately something must have spooked them, and with a twitch of their tails, they bounded away.