Chapter 2

Lt. Tench studied Mark’s license. “Peters?” Mark nodded. “Can I see your registration?”

Mark sighed. “Well,” he said, turning back to the open glove compartment, “I’m glad you asked that. See, and this is funny, it really is…”

He trailed off and dug through the papers again. “Do you know what it might look like?” he asked, hopeful. “Because I’m thinking it’s in here somewhere, you know? I didn’t steal the car, honest. I just never clean the bitch out.”

God.Was cussing at a cop a crime? He looked over his shoulder, chagrined. “I didn’t mean…” Another sigh. “Oh fuck.”

“Your registration, please.” Lt. Tench watched Mark rummage through the mess from the glove compartment. “There,” he said, leaning into the window slightly. “Isn’t that it?”

Mark brought the pile he held into his lap. “Where?”