
Chapter 6

The kid takes another step toward me. I catch the way Tarn looks at Coby two seconds before the room explodes around us in a rush of men. Tarn wraps one thick arm around Ravid’s neck, pulls back until I’m sure it’ll pop and the knife the kid wields clatters uselessly to the floor as he claws at Tarn, struggling to breathe. One man dives for the floor, knocking Ravid’s legs out from beneath him, another pins his arms down, a third sits on his legs to keep them from lashing out.

Only Coby remains seated, still chewing his burger with a thoughtful expression on his face. He glances up at me and I’m not sure if that’s the hint of a smile or not. I don’t know what it is I see glistening in his eyes, but my legs are like water, ready to run out beneath me, and I sink to the bar stool gratefully. Do I thank him? Does he expect something in return?