
Chapter 54

At least this Coby kid hasn’t made any threats like that, not yet.

Alone, he comes back in from the night amid rude laughter. He slides into a corner booth, watches as I bolt the door behind him. Outside the motorbikes come alive, the roar of their engines easily masking his friends’ lewd comments. I pretend I don’t see the gestures they make when they look my way. I pull the shades, turn off the signs, wipe down the tables and chairs. “It’ll be a few minutes,” I tell him, just to fill the silence that stretches between us.

“It’s okay.”

I feel his gaze like a hand on my body, roaming down my back, around the curve of my ass, over my hips. He stares openly at me and my skin feels hot, too tight, dry as tinder beneath the flame of a match.

I pray Delia doesn’t venture down here before he’s gone. She doesn’t need to see me like this, objectified in his presence.