Don’t go there, Charles. You do not want to picture him in the bathtub. Naked, soapy, slippery and wet…
I shake my head to clear the image and find the cable I pushed up into the room, a black wire poking from a small hole in one corner. Billy watches as I run the cable behind a bookcase, behind the sofa and those damn dogs, around an end table, and to the back of the TV. I glance at the photographs on top of the TV—a tall, black man with a shaved head and kinked beard smiles up at me. Who is he?
Billy must see my expression because he says, “That’s my roommate. Ty.”
I nod and bend down behind the TV, and I know his gaze is steady on my ass but what the hell am I supposed to do?
As I screw the cable into the back of the set, he says dreamily, “Those are his stinky dogs. He’s not my boy or anything, though. I ain’t got someone like that yet.”
He emphasizes the word yet.I notice that.