Chapter 7

“Uh, yeah, he is.” Sam retreated to the back of the room.

“Come on, have a closer look, you can’t see anything from there.”

“No, it’s okay, I can see fine.”

Mercifully for Sam, Pete turned his attention to Zack, thanking him for his efforts.

“All in a day’s work. Besides, I had the easy part. Beth was the one who did all the hard work.”

Beth smiled. “It was a pleasure, despite what I said at the time.”

There was a gurgle from the crib.

“He wants to be fed,” Billy observed.

“Newborn babies don’t feed,” both Pete and Beth said at the same time.

“He had some colostrum, remember?” Beth said, but he wasn’t all that interested.”

“Maybe he needs to be burped, then.

“Oh, brother,” Zack observed, Sam silently agreeing.

Billy, showing more gentleness than Sam thought such a big guy could possess, lifted baby Michael out of the crib and laid the tiny head on his shoulder.

“Don’t forget to support his head,” Pete said, approaching.