Because Berik had indicated Amery, Tovin thought it safe to look at the regent. He avoided doing so in public, unless they were fighting. But the sun was in his eyes, and when he squinted, he could have been looking at anything—Sir Giles perhaps, or the black crow that roosted on a nearby pillar. Shielding his eyes, he watched the way the morning sun sparkled off Amery’s hair, turning the dark red into a bright flame. Lust coiled in his stomach and he cleared his throat, turning away before Berik could see the desire in his eyes.
Berik laughed easily and shook the reins free from Tovin’s hand. “Be careful,” he warned with a grin. “The Cyrians may break through our defense and come knocking on the castle gates. And thenwhere would you be? Not so ready to fight, I think.”
“Shut up,” Tovin growled, but he laughed at his friend’s weak attempt at humor.