Chapter 3

A woman’s voice came from behind him “That’s from Marco’s deli. Good isn’t it?”

Tanner turned, his mouth still around the sandwich. He nodded. “Uh huh.” Garbled.

It was the redhead with the pendant. Tanner glanced down at her cleavage; above her too-high breasts, the necklace dangled. It was an ivory unicorn, its horn of pink pearl. Flashy but worthless.

“I’m Shante,” she said, offering one hand.

“Mitchell Tanner,” he replied. He wiped one hand on his pants, felt the sandwich wobble in his grip, and ended up near-bowing over her hand.

She flushed. “Ooh, such a gentleman.”

“Not really.” Tanner wiped his mouth with a napkin and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Marco? Who is that?”