Chapter 5

“Wasn’t watching.” Tanner shrugged.

“What? You married or something?”

“Not married. Not something.”

Jim lit up another joint. “Meaning what, exactly?”

“Not interested.”

“No wife, no family? Everybody wants that, don’t they?” Jim’s froggy eyes narrowed.

Tanner raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, shit, here comes Suze.” Jim tamped out the joint and cranked up the AC to max. He let down the rear windows, waving smoke with his clipboard. “Shit!”

Suzanne Norscio stalked over the grass, her tired face in a hot frown. One of her high heels caught in the thick lawn and she wobbled against Tanner’s door. “Dammit!”

Tanner held a broad hand to her, helped her steady her balance. “You okay?”

Suzanne flushed and let go of Tanner’s hand slowly. Her gaze fastened on the tattoo on his wrist.