Chapter 8

Grabbing a few items from the first aid box, Kevin scuttled back to Joey??s lorry. He saw a rather dishevelled Cal lumbering towards his own vehicle??Kevin gave him a wide berth. No point in tempting fate, he thought.

??Ouch!?? Joey winced as Kevin applied iodine to his cuts.

??Sorry, Sir, I did warn you.??

??Yeah, you did,?? Joey said through gritted teeth.

??Well, if you will go off fighting,?? Kevin said light-heartedly.

??I was defending you.??

Kevin stopped what he was doing and lowered his head. ??No one??s ever stuck up for me before,?? he whispered.

Kevin felt a hand rest on his shoulder; he looked up to see a concerned expression on Joey??s face.

??I was always getting picked on at school. I tried to make friends with a couple of the bigger kids, hoping they??d protect me.??

??And did they??? Joey rubbed Kevin??s shoulder.

??Sort of, but they weren??t keen on having a nerd hanging around them all the time.??


??Not your fault.??