Chapter 19

??Can??t come again, Sir. I think you??ve fucked it all out of me.??

Joey grinned. He was determined to get one more load out of his pup before he finished. ??We??ll see about that.??

Kevin groaned.

Shifting position, Joey moved into top gear, thrusting his lance into Kevin??s now loose hole. ??Grip me, Pup, help me to shoot!??

Taking hold of Kevin??s flagging penis, Joey soon flogged it back to its former stiffness. His final few thrusts caused the headboard to pound against the wall. Three things happened almost simultaneously. A small framed picture dropped from its hook just to the right of Kevin??s bed, falling to the floor, the glass shattering. Kevin climaxed for a fourth time, and with an almighty roar??which probably woke any neighbour who had managed to sleep through all the previous sounds of lovemaking??Joey climaxed.

??Fuck!?? Joey said, descending to his elbows above Kevin.