Chapter 22

??Fuck, who??d have thought there??d be so many to choose from? What colour do you want???

??Um, a dark colour I think.??

??Yeah, that??d be best, won??t show the dirt. Now which size???

??Can I help???

Joey turned on his heel to see a middle-aged shop assistant, her blonde hair tightly pulled into a ponytail. ??Yes, Diana,?? he said, glancing at the woman??s name tag. ??He needs new towels.?? Pointing at Kevin.

??I see. Hand, bath, or beach???

??Shower,?? Joey said, once he realised Kevin wasn??t going to reply.

The woman giggled and put on a maternal air towards Kevin. Joey wouldn??t have been surprised if Diana wasn??t about to pull Kevin??s head into her generous bosom and smother him in affection. He wondered if Kevin often brought out the mothering instinct in older women, maybe part of his attraction to the guy lay in the fact that he wanted to protect him. Joey would have to give that more thought.