Chapter 58

??Do you feel nauseous???

??No,?? Kevin replied.


??Um, yes.??

??What about dizziness? Is your vision affected at all? Would you sit up for me???

Kevin complied. ??I feel a bit unsteady.??

Joey??s jaw tightened, but he was determined to keep a lid on his emotions.

??Can you hear any ringing in your ears???

??Just a bit,?? Kevin replied.

That fucking bastard, Briggs! Joey forced himself to stop grinding his teeth.

The doctor made a few more notes on her clipboard, then came the questions about the attack. Kevin immediately clammed up.

??Pup,?? Joey stroked Kevin??s arm, ??You??ve gotta tell her what happened.??

With great reluctance, Kevin told how Cal had burst into the outer office and just started laying into him without provocation. He tried as best he could to chronicle the various blows he had received. Joey??s anger started to rise again; he wished he??d finished Briggs off while he had the chance.