Chapter 63

The two fell silent. Gradually Kevin began to feel calmer.

??I suppose I ought to go back in.?? Kevin??s arms fell to his sides and he turned to the open door of the outer office.

Walking inside the darkened space, he reached for and switched on the florescent lights. The now brightly lit room seemed far less terrifying than it had a few moments earlier. Kevin??s spirits rose. As he looked round the room, everything seemed normal, usual, not at all scary.

??You okay??? Kevin heard Joey ask. He hadn??t realised he??d remained quiet for so long.

Kevin nodded. ??I feel a lot easier, um, in my mind I mean. It doesn??t look as bad as I thought it would, no blood or anything.??

??That??s good.??

Walking into the room, Joey sat down in a swivel chair and held out his arms. Kevin approached and allowed Joey to guide him onto his lap, positioning him so they were chest-to-chest.

Kevin kissed Joey??s cheek. ??Thank you, Sir. You were right about me coming here.??