??Don??t you bloody talk to me like that!??
??You??re not fit to have a kid like our Simon. I??ll never know how such an evil, uptight, self-centred cow like you ever gave birth to such a sweet kid.??
The next thing Joey was aware of was a stinging pain on his left cheek. He heard Kevin gasp in alarm. Feeling his resolve not to give his sister a well deserved slap weakening, Joey spun on his heel and slowly made his way upstairs. Hearing Simon??s sobs from across the landing, Joey quickened his pace, and pushed open the door to Simon??s room. Sitting himself on the bed next to the weeping boy, Joey tried to calm his own raging emotions.
Simon lay on his bed, his face turned towards the wall. However, Joey could tell the boy was making an effort to stop crying.
??You might as well go home, it??s all spoiled now,?? the voice, hoarse from crying, said.