Chapter 70

??Sorry,?? Bobby said, dabbing at his face, ??I came with my dad and Uncle Stephen.?? He pointed to two men in the crowd.

??This is my Uncle Kevin,?? Simon said. ??He and Uncle Joey brought me.??

Kevin was delighted to be raised to the status of an honorary uncle.

??Cool,?? Bobby said.

Once Kevin reached the head of the queue, he ended up buying three bags of chestnuts, handing one to Bobby.

After speaking with his dad and uncle, Bobby followed Kevin and Simon back to Joey. The wind had gotten up, and despite the protection that his new jacket afforded him, Kevin??s teeth had begun to chatter.

As soon as the group reached Joey, the older man said, ??Come on, we??re moving a bit nearer the fire to get warm.??

As they walked, Joey casually slung an arm around both Kevin and his nephew??s shoulders. Kevin couldn??t help thinking that their threesome??the strong and protective Joey in the middle??formed a perfect little group.