The internal battle was almost lost when Joey saw Kevin emerge, looking a little shell-shocked. Getting to his feet, Joey was immediately accosted by some bloke who claimed Joey had fucked a friend of his a couple of months earlier, and wondered if Joey could do the same for him.
Despite his concern over Kevin, Joey couldn??t help wonder that now he was taken, he seemed to have men throwing themselves at him left, right and centre. Joey tried to get out of the booth, but the man, a little too campy for his taste, wasn??t going to be brushed off so easily.
??I??m a good lay. Best bottom this side of Bradford.??
??I??m sure, but I ain??t interested.??
??I love a top who plays hard to get. And honey, by the looks of the bulge in those scrumptious leather pants of yours, you??re already pretty hard.??