Chapter 102

Looking up in the sky, he saw to his dismay it was beginning to get dark. Years of brainwashing had taught him his mother began Shabbat at eighteen minutes before dark, and woe betide anyone who turned up late.

Letting out a deep sigh, Joey put one foot in front of the other and made his way to the back door??the image of the condemned man shuffling to the scaffold firmly fixed in his head. He felt sick, his stomach was in knots, he knew what he was about to do would have an irrevocable effect on his family.

Raising his hand to grasp the handle, Joey jumped when the glass-panelled door opened, the unwelcome figure of his sister standing in the opening. What the fuck??s she doing here? Then he realised it might be best if he got the whole thing over with in one fell swoop. He winced at his continued use of execution analogies.

??Carole,?? he said in what he hoped was a neutral tone.

??Hurry up. It??s almost time,?? she said, turning into the room.