Chapter 107

??You have to understand??It was a horrible decision to have to make??This is the hardest thing I??ve ever done??It??s not that I don??t love you??I love you with everything I??ve got??I??ll always love you. I??m sorry????

Kevin blocked out the rest of Joey??s words. He just wanted him to leave, to go and never come back. Reaching for his collar, Kevin loosened the buckle. He??d never taken it off before, apart from when he showered.

??No, please, Pup, no. Please keep it. Please!??

Kevin turned his dispassionate eyes to Joey, who looked close to collapse. Somewhere deep inside of himself, Kevin felt sorry for the man, but he had to keep up his walls to protect himself. Kevin pressed the folded strip of leather in Joey??s hand, closing the man??s fingers around it.

??It doesn??t mean anything anymore.??

??No, Pup, please.?? Joey held the collar out to him.

Maintaining his flat monotone, Kevin carefully enunciated, ??But I??m not your pup anymore.??