Chapter 119

??You??re still gonna let me come live with you, aren??t you, Uncle Joey? I know you hurt your leg but????

??No, Champ, it??s not that. I really want you to come live with me.??

Simon??s face relaxed.

??But before you make up your mind, there??s something I have to tell you about me.??


Joey looked down at the cast on his leg. He??d been rehearsing how to come out to Simon for most of the afternoon, but still couldn??t find the right form of words. ??Some men??no, most men??like to live and fall in love with women. But sometimes they just feel more comfortable if they live with someone their own sex.??

Simon nodded gravely.

??Well I??m like that. I??m what they call homosexual or gay. I prefer to live with men. Not boys, I would never, ever, do anything to you or any other boy. That??s??well I??m not like that. Sorry, I??m probably confusing you with all of this.??

??Awesome! You??re like Bobby??s dad.??
