Chapter 17

“Thank you,” Brett said through a tightened throat. He then kissed Jake several more times before leading him toward the re-gen facility, noticing yes, indeed, the dark flashes had been present, had in fact hung around for longer.

* * * *

Brett did more pacing, more fingernail chewing, and made more stupid mistakes at work while Jake was being regenerated. The hardest thing was knowing he wouldn’t be allowed to visit his cowboy until it was all over. Brett strongly began to doubt his words of wisdom to Jake about how in Heaven, when you needed something to happen quickly, time sped up. It sure wasn’t going quickly for him at the moment.

“Will you just relax?” Terry told him for the fourth time that shift. “Have you lost count of how many boxes of Eiaquinn we have?”

Brett stared at the plain white box in his hand.

Terry came over and plucked the box from Brett’s unresisting fingers. “Eiaquinn. Remember? The cure for equine infectious anemia.” Terry sighed.