Chapter 19

“Missed you, too,” they said simultaneously the next time their lips parted.

“Oh, buddy,” Jake said, holding Brett at arm’s length. “You look even more…more, perfect than I dared imagine.”

Brett shook his head. Jake was looking so much more healthy, vibrant, and just plain edible than he had the last time Brett had seen him. The man’s hair was full, thick, and so lustrous. Brett just had to run his fingers through it.

“Cain’t believe how amazin’ I feel,” Jake was saying. “Used to have this pain in my side where a steer butted me once.” Jake reached to his right side, “But it’s totally gone now.”

“Welcome to your afterlife.” Brett smiled.

A cough from behind them had the two men stepping apart, but Brett noticed Jake never let go of Brett’s hand.

“Your hats, gentlemen,” the middle-aged woman said, holding out the two Stetsons. Looking at the men, then the hats, she observed, “A matched pair.”