Hands off, girls.
“Want to go outside and check the horses?” David asked. His belly and groin warmed. Marcus… and some privacy.
“Sure.” Marcus’s gaze was even.
Sara spoke up as they headed towards the mudroom. “Don’t you horsemen ever get enough of those beasts?”
“Never.” Marcus boomed as they tugged on their jackets and pulled on gloves. “Equines are creatures from the gods!”
They ran up the hill to the barn, laughing, feet crunching on the cold earth. Belle, the head mare, poked her head out of the side window of her stall and whinnied. Inside, the barn was warmer, filled with the pleasant scent of hay and horses and rightness. Marcus went over to Paulie’s stall, and David watched as Marcus checked the colt’s left haunch where the colt had banged up against a fence. His big hands smoothed over the animal’s pelt and David felt himself stir, wanting Marcus’s hands on him, in him, and more.
“Hey,” David said, his voice soft.