Chapter 2

“Bear?” Rudy asked.

“Don’t think so. Lookit.”

Rudy took the fur chunk, held it towards the sun. It stayed black. Bear fur has a reddish glint in sunlight, specially in the spring, like now. Rudy sniffed it, too, then shook his head. “Not bear.”

“Only thing I can think of with claws like this would be….” I held back, feeling foolish. “Lion maybe, or a tiger.”

“Ain’t no tigers out here!” Rudy snorted.

“Mebbe, mebbe not. Remember that tiger that got loose last year outside Tampa? That wildlife refuge guy? He said he caught his tiger, but what if he didn’t?”

“He caught it down to the Home Warehouse. I saw it on TV.”

“What if that wasn’t the only tiger of his that got loose? What if he didn’t tell nobody so he wouldn’t get in more trouble?”

That made Rudy think. “Guess it’s possible. But wouldn’t a tiger eat from his guts? Not just his tail?