The closing credits of the evening news brought me back to the present. Finding nothing else worth watching on the telly, I switched it off and put on a cassette.
I’d grown quite fond of classical music. I was able to borrow tapes from the ‘audio-visual’ section of the library, so I didn’t have to lay out much expenditure on music. The hi-fi was a housewarming present from the folks back home. To the accompaniment of Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, I got out a relatively recently published book on the moons of Jupiter that I’d borrowed from the library. I’d thought about getting a telescope, but a good one was out of my price range. Also, living in a town meant there was too much light at night to be able to see much. The book did say a good pair of binoculars was as effective as a reasonable telescope, and much cheaper. I’d have to give that some more thought.