“Can we have that again?” He lowered both his voice and his head. “It’s kind of symbolic, I suppose.”
“Of course we can.” I swallowed. I was beginning to get emotional again. “You sit down there on that stool and remind me what we did last time.”
I had to turn away from him to hide my eyes, which were starting to leak.
He directed operations while I prepared the meal. Thinking back to a psychology book I had once read, I realised it was a good idea to get him involved as much as his disability would allow. It would lessen the chances of him feeling helpless.
I put the two plates of food on the kitchen table and asked him if he wanted anything to drink.
“Water, please.”
I filled two glasses from the tap. Then I rummaged around in the cupboard and found a packet of drinking straws. Putting a couple in Mark’s glass, I took the drinks to the table.
“At least you’ll be able to take a drink on your own,” I said. More psychology.