Chapter 21

“You were great,” Mark said quietly. “I couldn’t have handled him like that. He was one of my…shall we say…less pleasant clients.”

“Don’t worry, love. I’ve got his number. His wife keeps him pretty well under her thumb. I suppose he was just trying to get back some of his macho image, but he absolutely will not do it at your expense. I won’t let him, or anyone else.”

Mark gave me a squeeze. “I’m so lucky to be living with you.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I whispered.

He gave me a final squeeze, then disengaged from the hug.

“You ready to go on?” I asked. “Or would you rather go home?”

“I’m not going to let the likes of him spoil the rest of my life. I didn’t enjoy what I had to do, but I had no option at the time.”

“You’ve got options now. Come on, I think you need a stiff drink.”

“Better stick to something soft ‘cause of my pills.”

“Yeah, sorry.”