His hand brushed over his lover’s wounded leg,eliciting a gasp of pain.Brance’s fingers felt their way over the familiar curve of knee and length of thigh.“Caleb?I’m back.Talk to me.”
A hand grabbed his ankle as Caleb pulled himself up from the bushes.He blinked,owlish,and yawned—Brance could’ve laughed at the innocent sleepiness in those pale blue-green eyes.Then reality set in;Brance saw pain flicker in those eyes as Caleb winced and drew his leg up to inspect the wound where the snare had cut into his skin.“Shit,”he muttered,voice thick with slumber.“I was sort of hoping it’d go away.”
Brance dug a blanket out of the haversack.Draping it over Caleb’s shoulders,he hugged his lover close,large hands rubbing warmth into the thin body beneath the coarse fabric.“It’ll heal,”he said.“You just won’t be able to run on it for a while.”