“It’s okay.”Calvin sounded genuine.
If anything,that made Brock feel worse.
“Want some water?”
Brock shook his head;he didn’t think he would be able to keep it down.
“Just to rinse your mouth,maybe it’d take away the nasty taste?”
“Thanks.”Brock took the offered bottle,rinsed and spit.
Calvin put a hand on Brock’s shoulder.“Feel better now?”
“Some.”However,most of the improvement was because of Calvin’s concern.He could feel the heat of the man’s palm radiating through his shirt.
“Ready to set off again?”
Brock nodded.
Calvin closed the passenger door,walked around the car and got back into his seat.Starting the engine,he said,“Seatbelt.”
Brock rolled his eyes,but complied.In a strange way it showed that Calvin cared.Brock hadn’t had anyone care for him in…he didn’t know how long.
“I think I should take you back to my parents’place.You shouldn’t be lefton your own after drinking so much.”