Tim stayed silent.The bastard knew exactly how to get Calvin talking.
“Well…there’s this contractor who’s really struggling to find work,so I—”.
“Oh,shit!You’ve found another lost puppy.”
“What?No.Like I said,Brock’s just a contractor.”
“And he’s struggling to find work,so you thought you’d do your white knight thing.”
Calvin found himself squirming.“It’s not that bad.This place needs work before I put it on the market.”
“And the recession has hit pretty hard here.”Calvin recalled all the boarded-up storefronts in town.
“Your needle stuck on that word,is it?”
Tim sighed.“This Brock guy wouldn’t happen to be handsome would he?”
“I don’t think he’s your type.”
“I’m a happily married heterosexual man.Guys aren’t my type.”
“You once said you would jump the fence for Bruce Springsteen.”
Tim laughed.“The Boss is the only exception to my straightness.And Cal,stop trying to evade the question.”