“I didn’t think so either until you stood on my doorstep a couple of evenings ago.”
Brock took hold of Calvin’s chin.“Please,don’t tease me,not about this.”
Calvin removed the hand and kissed Brock’s palm.“I promise,hand on heart,”he moved Brock’s hand to Calvin’s heart,“and on dick,”he movedthe hand lower,“that I’m not joking.You are beautiful.Please believe me.That’s why I’ve been calling you Gary Cooper,because,well,”Calvin felt embarrassed,“I couldn’t straight out call you beautiful because you might have knocked me on my ass.”
“Nah,your ass is way too cute.”
“I knew you’d noticed it!”Calvin yelled in triumph.
Back was the shit-eating grin Calvin loved so much.He just had to kiss it.
“What was that for?”Brock asked.
“Just that you were smiling,and I like to see it.Makes you even more beautiful.”
Brock shook his head.“I wish you’d quit it with the beautiful shit.”
“You want me to go back to callin’you Gary Cooper?’Cause it’ll mean the same thing.”