Chapter 20

“I’ll show you.”Calvin pulled away from Brock a little and resumed what he’d been doing,this time on Brock’s chest.

Calvin spoke the letters aloud as he drew them.“B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.”

“Why?”Brock asked in a small voice.

“Why are you beautiful?That’s down to your genes,I guess.”

“No.”Brock sounded close to tears.“Why are you bein’so nice to me?There are other folks out there you could have got to fix up the house,other men you could have brought here to your bed.Why me?”

“Why not you?”Calvin kissed the top of Brock’s head again.“It’s true back in high school I couldn’t stand you,but I’ve grown up since then,and so have you.Now I see what a great guy you are.”

“Great or not,I’m flat-assed broke.”

“Okay,you’ve got some financial troubles—”

“Some?”Brock laughed.

“And I want to help if I can.”

“Why?”Brock asked again.

“Why not?”Calvin repeated.“Don’t you think you deserve a break?”

Brock shrugged.