Calvin wasn’t sure how long their lovemaking lasted;both of them were bathed with sweat by the time he’d edged away from his climax for a fourth time.Brock looked completely wrung out,Calvin had stopped him from jerking off a couple of times,each occasion with Brock growling threats of physical violence,which Calvin laughed off.
“Okay,cowboy,it’s time to gallop back to the barn.Hold on tight.”
“About fuckin’time!”Brock grumbled.
“I never leave my men unfulfilled.”
Why the hell was he talking about past fucks?To his shock Calvin realized allhis previous sexual encounters were just that,fucks.Here,now,with Brock,this was something different…something more.Calvin closed his eyes.He couldn’t…mustn’t fall for this man.Too fuckin’late!the voice told him.Calvin tried to ignore it,but he knew.
“Oh,shit!”Calvin’s climax had snuck up on him unaware.And because he’ddelayed it several times it was a doozy.