During their next short break,sweat now rolling down Brock’s back,making him consider taking off his football jersey,Pedro tentatively asked about Calvin.
“Brother of my wife,he,”Pedro seemed to struggle for the English word,“homosexo.”
“Homosexual.”Brock supplied.
“And,you’re okay with that?”Brock knew many Latinos had a hard time understanding the idea that one man could love another.
Pedro shrugged.“So long you love someone,what it matter who they are?”
Brock nodded.
“You love Se?orCalvin?”
Brock felt his face drain of color.
“Is okay.I not care.”
Swallowing,and taking a huge leap into the unknown,both in coming out to a relative stranger and also admitting his love for Calvin,Brock nodded.
“Si.”Pedro smiled.I see how you look at Se?or Calvin,it like how I look atmy Gabriela.”
Brock was saved from any further embarrassment by Calvin coming back up the driveway.
“What’ve you done to your eye?”Calvin asked on opening the driver’s door.