Chapter 1

Tulano’s striped hand passed over the scene,trickling blue sand.In his painting,the zycroatan tore from the river,its muscular tail propelling onto the bank,its scaly hide filthy with muck.Huge jaws glistened as it snapped at the two Grezan boys.One threw a spear at the water monster,the carved wood piercing through froth and waves.

Tulano ran one finger absently over a broken horn and gazed down at his artwork.Primal memory for Tulano:the sand painting covered most of his patio area.The colors were astonishing even in the moonlight:vivid turquoise for the water,a dense cocoa shade layered with light gray that lent dimension to the reptile’s armored skin,a rich gold of sunlight that matched Tulano’s eyes.

Green,red,and yellow sand smeared Tulano’s brown and golden skin.Its mottled and striped effect had served his species well,allowing them to blend in on their own world where hunting was still a viable living.Not so effective off-world:in some circles,Grezans were prized as exotic captives,on display in households of the wealthy.

And the cruel.

Amid a half-dozen lit torches thrust into the permacrete patio,Tulano crouched,skin gleaming with oil.In another world.Another time.

He sensed Master Rilzoren strolling through the chambers behind him,stopping occasionally to gaze at something new on the walls or to adjust a piece of statuary.Claiming territory,leaving his mark.It was more polite than pissing on the bed.

The hiss of slippers on stone,then Master Rilzoren spoke,his voice deep and rich.“You look drunk.”

Tulano spilled cocoa colored sand onto the grassy portion of the painting.Heswung his feral,striped face around slowly and he blinked his golden eyes several times.“I am just…painting.”

“The thought of you drunk isn’t altogether unpleasant.”

Tulano stood and offered a short bow.He set his face quickly,wiping away thedreamy look he had worn.“Yes,my master.”

“Your painting—it’s quite striking in its own primitive way.”Rilzoren touched his servant’s arm.“Though I prefer more permanent art.”

“I like the sand.”Tulano’s reply offered no explanation and none was intended.

“Your twin brother,is it not?”Rilzoren pointed to the one-legged figure in the painting.“How old was he when he died?”

“We were twelve.”

Rilzoren gazed at the purpling sky.“It may rain.Will you cover this?”

Tulano shrugged.“All art is temporary.”

They moved indoors.Tulano’s artwork,collected from his off-world travels,was staged throughout the room with some grace and symmetry:the sensuous curves of Bysantic plasteel;hand-crafted baskets from his home world of Slidora;wood carvings from another.Turquoise,brown and green candles rested in the tiny alcoves around the bedchamber.A simple sleep mat lay on the floor.Bottles of oils and lotions gleamed.

“Your one vanity.That marvelous skin.”Rilzoren smiled and stroked Tulano’s right temple horn.

Tulano stopped walking and pressed upwards,rubbing his temple horns against the human’s cool fingers.His shame at having two broken horns had faded over the years.Broken in combat,one was ground to a meaty stub,a second was shorn off.His Master had never allowed him the artificial implants that other Grezans commonly used.

They stood for some minutes,Tulano purring as the endorphins eased through his system,his golden eyes half-closed.

Rilzoren spoke.“I have a project for you.You will leave with me tomorrow and travel to P’tonya.There we’ll meet with General Jutar;he has extensive interests in the largest crime organization in the system.It wouldbe useful to have his support in the upcoming elections;he’s extremely wealthy.As are his friends.”

Tulano nodded,his eyes puzzled.“Do you wish for me to threaten him?”

“No,it is time for you to employ more diplomatic talents."Rilzoren ran one finger over Tulano’s left ear,touching the bonding stud he had placed there.“After eight years here,it’s time to expose you to new stimuli,social situations.”

“I do not like social situations.”

“And that is probably my fault for keeping you to myself all these years.Youwill have to be more than a warrior and bodyguard for me,Tulano.I have enough assassins on my payroll;I don’t need another.”

Tulano said nothing.

Rilzoren stood at the suite’s door and tugged a data disc from his robes.“Study this,learn all you can.Then let’s see what we can accomplish with him.”

“This Jutar,he is one of the lizard men,yes?”Tulano questioned.

“Yes,”replied Rilzoren,“and he’s quite charming,from what I’ve been told.Another alpha male,of course.The two of you together should be quite avolatile combination,don’t you think?”He chuckled as the door between them whooshed shut.


The next afternoon,Jutar met them on his private landing platform.A striking two meters tall,his naturally yellow-tinted hide changed color depending on his mood.The delicate scales of his skin were set off today by elegant robes made of a deep violet cashmerene.At his side trotted a squat human with garish red hair and too much jewelry.

“Counselor Rilzoren,I’m so glad that you could make the trip,”Jutar spoke as they bowed to one another,as was appropriate for the senior group leaders.“Let me present an associate of mine,Zeltra Bosc,from our transport division.”

“Very pleased,Counselor.I’m delighted to make your acquaintance,”Zeltra’s pudgy hands fluttered after the honorific handshake.His jewelry flashed in the light.

“And this is my associate,Tulano,”Rilzoren said.

Tulano carefully shook hands with Jutar and noticed how cold his skin was.Tulano shook Zeltra’s hand with distaste,glad of his own facial striping that so often distracted others from his true expression.

The human’s voice was high,fawning.“Oooohhh!,what a beautiful Grezan!I simply must acquire one for a pet of my own!He’s just lovely….”Zeltra cooed and stepped forward,seemingly unable to keep his hands off of Tulano.

Tulano stiffened,his striped hands clenching into fists.

“Can I touch his horns?”Zeltra stepped forward.

Tulano growled audibly.

“He’s not a pet,he’s my associate.”Rilzoren interrupted the confrontation.“And he’s not for sale,so please don’t inquire.”

Zeltra glanced at Tulano through lowered eyes,sideways.“Well,he’s just stunning.You know,I have a source on the Outer Rim who can find exotics for aprice.I’ll bet he can…”

Tulano rumbled,his chest swelling.“You buy Grezans for pets?”His accented Standard was thick with hostility.

“Oh yes!I could find you a female.Of course,females are far more expensive than males,but if you really want one…”Zeltra lowered his lashes again.“Unless you’d prefer a male?”

Rilzoren smiled.“Tulano really has no time to care for a pet,Zeltra.But thank you for offering.”Rilzoren insinuated himself between the two of them.

Tulano’s body heat rose and his breathing accelerated.

Rilzoren looked at him sharply.Tulano nodded and took one step back from the other men.The group ambled into Jutar’s enclave.