Chapter 4

“Well,”Greg says,keeping his voice light,“guess I’ll see you around.”

To his surprise,Trey reaches across the table to touch his arm.The press of flesh is a simmering heat that smolders between them.“What about tonight?”he asks,hopeful.“Maybe we can get together later,have a few drinks,you know.What do you think?”

“Tonight?”Greg’s surprised to hear his voice crack when he says the word,as if he’s prepubescent all over again.Clearing his throat,he tries to play it off with a disinterested shrug.“That sounds great.How about dinner?We have a good steakhouse here at the lodge.I’m off at six.”

He holds his breath,waiting to get shot down a second time.Sorry,Trey will tell him,but I just sort of meant a beer at the bar,nothing fancy,nothing much.Just a quick drink,some laughs,and we’ll go our separate ways.Nice seeing you again and all,but really.I’ve got to go.

But Trey’s smile widens.“We’ll meet here at what,six-thirty?Seven?”