At the end of the block,he caught a red light.As he waited,he gunned the engine just to hear it tear into the stillness of theday.Fuck Ronnie,he thought,fiddling with the radio buttons.He wanted something hard and fast,a beat he could lose himself in.He had a long drive ahead…
The light changed.Before Christian could shoot through the intersection,he glanced over at the oncoming traffic and recognized Ronnie’s truck.His foot slipped off the gas pedal as he watched Ronnie drive past.His former teammate looked straight ahead,as if he didn’t see Christian’s car.If he did,he ignored it.
The driver behind Christian hit his horn.That tinny sound madeRonnie look over—for one breathless moment,the two stared at each other,and the world seemed to hang in the balance.
Then the horn sounded again.Ronnie looked away,and the moment,if there had been one at all,was lost.