Chapter 6

He grimaced.“Give it time.Someone else will come…some man—”

“She’s only human,”I spat.“Why should she have to waste her life away waiting for a prince who never appears?Her best years will be stripped away,lost in pining for some manwho came too late.Why shouldn’t we rescue her instead?”

“It isn’t right…”

But his protest was cut off by my second bolt as I released it deep into his neck.Blood splashed his mount—myhorse,my father’s—and he gurgled once before toppling over Knight’s flank to join his sword where it lay amid the undergrowth.

“It doesn’t have to be right,”I answered.“It just is.”

With Knight tethered to my current steed,Lith and I continued our journey.The closeness of the quest’s end sung in my blood,and this little diversion was proof what I sought was within my grasp.

What wesought.
