Chapter 13

Craig was growing increasingly exasperated.“He likes you.And I know you like him.If you asked him to stay,made him feel welcome,I know he wouldn’t leave.”Andy stood there not saying anything.“Come on.Go and tell him he has to stay.Then you can see to my hand.”


There was nothing for it,Craig had to play his trump card.“You’d never forgive yourself if he had an accident trying to drive in this lot.”Craig swept his injured hand over the landscape,blanketed as it was in white.

Andy seemed to snap out of his indecision.Moving past Craig,he headed for the house,looking determined.Craig breathed a sigh of relief.

Once inside,Craig followed his uncle into the spare room,his hand beginning to throb with theincrease in temperature.

“You shouldn’t go.Not with the roads like they are,”Andy said,finding Luke in the spare room.

“My friends back in London,who I’m staying with,they’ll be getting worried.”

“Well,give them another ring to tell them about the snow,”Craig put in.