Chapter 24

“It was a hate crime.I was in a gay area of London and a group of yobs beat me up.They also stole a camouflage jacket that Andy had loaned me.”


“I told you,I don’t care about the jacket,”Andy growled.

“Maybe‘cause of the jacket the police might be able to trace whoever did it,”Craig put in.

“How?”both Andy and Luke asked.

“Well,uh.”Craig looked uncomfortable.“I’m not saying it has a homing device or anything sewn into the lining,but don’t you have your name,rank and all that on it somewhere?”

Andy nodded.“Though I imagine Luke’s attackers would have removed that.”

The conversation drifted to other topics,Andy relaxing as the focus moved further from Luke.Then Jessica piped up with,“Would it be all right if Craig stayed here this coming weekend?”

Andy glanced at Craig,who surprisingly didn’t seem excited or anxious.Instead he appeared sad,even a little angry.

“I can’t see why not.But why?”Something was going on,and Andy wasn’t sure what.