Chapter 30

“We’ll come back to that,but don’t think you’re off the hook.”Tom clicked a few more times.New images appeared and disappeared.It stopped on one where Andy was looking directly into the lens.He closed his eyes,not wanting to see.

Andy felt Tom’s hand on his shoulder.“Please,love,look at the screen.”Andy opened his eyes,looked at Tom,then finally at the screen.“Even when you’re facing the camera,”Tom clicked the mouse a couple more times and zoomed in on Andy’s face.

“Your scars aren’t that noticeable.”

“That’s because you don’t have them.”Andy wasn’t convinced.He was ugly,deformed,disfigured.There was no getting away from it.

“No,look closer.”Tom blew the picture up even more.“Honestly,Andy,I’m not lying.Your scars aren’t that bad.I think maybe they’ve faded over the years.”