Chapter 35

“Yeah.”Luke opened his eyes again.“You know how you imagine what your ideal man is like?”

“Uh huh.”At least Craig didn’t say Luke was his idea of an ideal man.

“Well,it took me a long time and lots of failed relationships to realise what my ideal man is like.He’s big,strong,and protective and—”

“And not an annoying bratty teenager.”Craig sounded so sad.

“Oh,Craig.You’re not annoying”.To himself Luke added,Well,not all the time.

He pulled the teenager in for a hug.Craig put his arms around Luke and sniffled.

“I feel awful.It’s like I want to steal you away from Uncle Andy.I don’t,honest.You two are great together.He’s really happy since you showed up.I know you’ll be good for him;you’ll not hurt him or anything.”