Chapter 43

The two went on to have a detailed talk about vitamins and diet.

“Though there’s not many perks to the job,”Tony said,“you can have any of the health foods we sell at cost.Plus you also get a free membership to our facilities.”


The interview continued for a few minutes longer,Luke feeling more and more comfortable with the set up and his expected duties.Tony ended things by asking,“So,when can you start?”

“How about now?”


Luke,still excited at finding a job,drove up the farm road.He couldn’t wait to tell Andy hisnews.There was a strange car in place of Andy’s van.

Entering the house,Luke headed for the kitchen for a much needed cuppa.He’d been converted to tea,thanks to Andy’s almost constant drinking of the stuff.He pulled up short when he saw Craig and Dennis sitting at the kitchen table,gloomy expressions on both their faces.

“Er,hi,”Luke said.