Chapter 48

Andy was just thinking about how he should probably go back into the pig shed,when the kitchen door flew open,admitting an anxious looking Toby.“Um,I could be wrong,but I think the sow looks as though she’s having a bit of trouble.”

Andy eased himself to his feet.“What’s she doing?”

“Walking about and sort of straining.It’s been ten minutes since the last one came out,but—”

“Okay,sounds like one has got stuck.”

“Gross,”Craig said.

Andy followed Toby back to the pig sheds,Craig tagging along behind.

Seeing the sow pacing around her pen and looking distinctly unhappy,Andy thought he ought to have a feel around inside.

“Toby,would you go into the equipment room?”He pointed past the rows of empty pens at a doorway on the far wall.The barn was unusually quiet as most of the pigs were outside in the paddock,enjoying the sunshine.“Fetch me a bucket of warm water,liquid soap and the big bottle of lubricant?”

“Okay.”Toby moved off,and Craig stood there uncertainly.