Rob never raised his voice in anger. Ever. He swallowed and tried to calm down. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, hands flat on the kitchen table where they’d spread the books out to be warm without having to bother with lighting the sitting room fire. “I’ve stopped. I’ve stopped shouting.”
Matty’s face relaxed a bit. “It’s fine,” he said, clearly trying to mean it. “I’m scared, though.”
“Yes, me too. I don’t like things I don’t understand properly. This is a whole load of things I don’t understand. It’s making me cranky.”
“Do you want to have a try now? Just to get it over with?”
“We could?” Rob wasn’t confident he could do it. And he wasn’t confident they’d be able to do the exsanguination part if he could do the pulling part. The carnas seemed pretty tough creatures. But having a go seemed better than waiting for Matty to get weaker and weaker whilst they messed about never being quite ready to try.