It had been a white night. Kevin had that dizzy, heady, spaced out feeling from not enough sleep and too many confidences shared in the small hours. Web had black circles under his eyes and his skin was almost translucent in the bright morning light. His lips were swollen. A bit bruised. Kevin was struck with such a strong wave of sensory memory of Web’s mouth on his cock that he shuddered
“All right?” Web asked.
Kevin swallowed. “Yeah,” he said faintly. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He pulled himself together. “So, are you going to go today?” he made himself ask.
Webster looked at him seriously. “Yes. I think so. If I don’t go today, I might not go at all,” he said, voice a little raw and peeled back. “And that would be...the easy thing. I don’t want to be here because it’s an easy thing. I want to be here because it’s the right thing.”
Kevin nodded. That made sense.