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Chapter 12

A cat, small and black, slept at my feet, not stirring even when I sat up. The movement brought back none of the dizziness from before, but made me aware of the slightest of headaches and a terrible thirst.

I dragged the bed curtains aside. The lights in the room were on, but there were no windows, and it was weirdly disorienting to have no idea of the time of day. Or the day itself. Sunday? Monday? Sunday. It had to be, right? I needed to be at work on Monday.

I hopped off the bed, the bare floor cold even through my socks, and spied my boots on a table across from me. With them I found a basket with two towels and in-the-package toiletries. There was also a handwritten note telling me to use whatever I needed.

I glanced around the room, noting the three doors. A quick survey revealed one opened into a long hallway, another into a closet full of someone’s clothing, and the third led into a small, well-kept bathroom.