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Chapter 14

I sighed and bent down to stroke the cat’s soft fur. “Any chance you’re up to giving me the grand tour?”

It turned out that he was.


When Caspian foundme again, I was outside in a small courtyard enjoying the warm weather.

“I thought I’d find you here.”

I didn’t turn around, instead focusing on the crunch under my feet and the smell in the air.

“I was hoping we could talk.”

“Did you know I haven’t seen grass in years?” I knelt to scratch at a spot on my left heel where a jagged blade of the stuff had scraped me. “Not since I was a kid. I’ve never understood why absolutely everything needs to be covered in concrete.”

“Me either.”

“Where are we exactly?” I pushed up and turned to face him. “It’s got to be seventy-five degrees, even in the shade. At home it’s been snowing for months.”

“The Southern Realm.”

“And you live here?” I waved to the stone behemoth behind him. “This place?”

“Since I was very young.”