“Technically, I’m a member of all covens.”
I thought about that a moment. “Because you’re royal blood?”
“No.” He smiled again. “Vampire hierarchy is connected to lineage. For witches, it’s more complicated than that.”
Like everything
“I’m told I was born into the Erjon coven.” He rolled over so he could look at me. “And just before I turned three, I was taken to live at the Monastery with my teachers to prepare me to rule.”
“Prepare you how?”
“The library I showed you?” I nodded. “It’s been my entire life for twenty-seven years. I’ve been taught the old ways. All of them. I know my people’s history, I know their spells, no matter how archaic. My job has been to learn so that the whole of the House’s knowledge is never lost.”
It sounded like a lot of pressure for a child, but was probably no worse a childhood than millions of others. “Were there a lot of students like you?”